ISCA - Compare Heterogeneous Social Groups
The Inductive Subgroup Comparison Approach ('ISCA') offers
a way to compare groups that are internally differentiated and
heterogeneous. It starts by identifying the social structure of
a reference group against which a minority or another group is
to be compared, yielding empirical subgroups to which minority
members are then matched based on how similar they are. The
modelling of specific outcomes then occurs within specific
subgroups in which majority and minority members are matched.
ISCA is characterized by its data-driven, probabilistic, and
iterative approach and combines fuzzy clustering, Monte Carlo
simulation, and regression Analysis. ISCA_random_assignments()
assigns subjects probabilistically to subgroups.
ISCA_clustertable() provides summary statistics of each cluster
across iterations. ISCA_modeling provides OLS regression
results for each cluster across iterations.